Pregnancy & Fertility


Whether you are new to trying to conceive (TTC), already pregnant or navigating the many challenges of infertility, starting your journey to parenthood can be both an exciting and emotionally intense time. 

While much more attention is typically given to mothers and parents post-birth, significant strain on mental health and relationships can be experienced much earlier than this at preconception, conception and during the pregnancy itself.   

There can be several contributing factors to this, including but is not limited to:  

- Fears surrounding pregnancy, childbirth and/or parenting

- Stress and anxiety related to difficulty conceiving 

- Infertility (male and female)

- Secondary infertility

- Feelings surrounding an unplanned pregnancy 

- Medically complex pregnancies or in-utero diagnosis

- Perinatal depression

- Navigating IVF or other fertility treatments

- Miscarriage, grief and loss 

- Feelings of a loss of identity and autonomy

- Changing relationship dynamics surrounding pregnancy and fertility 

If you have or are experiencing any of the above, you may benefit from seeing a psychologist experienced with perinatal or pregnancy related mental health concerns. Pregnancy and fertility look different for everyone and you do not have to feign happiness or remain stoic when things are overwhelming or difficult. 

Often integral to conceiving, being able to enjoy pregnancy or retain a sense of self during these times, acknowledging your feelings, stress, fears, loss and other challenges is healthy and encouraged. 

Seeing a counsellor specialised in pregnancy provides you with support and understanding alongside strategies for coping. Ensuring you are as prepared and reassured as possible, counselling can also be beneficial for those supporting loved ones as they deal with fertility and pregnancy.



At Port Phillip Psychology, no matter your situation, we welcome working with you during this difficult time.

Offering compassionate, genuine care for individuals in all stages and circumstances related to pregnancy and fertility, our psychologists in Melbourne are specialised in pregnancy and dedicated to your wellbeing. 

Believing that good therapy relies on mutual respect, understanding and a willingness to work together, we are committed to helping you navigate your journey in a way that suits you. Delivering our sessions in a safe, private, comfortable and judgement-free space we encourage you to explore your feelings and discuss anything you need. 

Recognising that there can be many feelings, both positive and negative associated with pregnancy and fertility, our counsellors help you work through these gently and constructively.  

Where appropriate, we will set goals with you for your therapy, encouraging and guiding you towards achieving these and adjusting our approach as needed to reflect your journey. We are also happy to counsel you individually or with a partner or other family members as desired. 


In Chelsea and St Kilda or
via Video or Phone
(03) 8774 2150


Port Phillip Psychology Supporting You Through Fertility, Pregnancy & Beyond

At Port Phillip Psychology, we provide personalised, genuine and supportive care from a team of female psychologists specialising in pregnancy and fertility. 

Offering in-practice sessions to clients in Melbourne’s Bayside areas of Chelsea and St Kilda, we also make our pregnancy counselling available via telephone and video for greater ease of access. Daytime, evening and Saturday booking times are also available for further scheduling flexibility. 

Be reassured by the deep trust, understanding and professional support you deserve during your pregnancy and fertility journey - you don’t have to bear it alone. Contact Port Phillip Psychology today.



  • Typically each session is 55 minutes in length, longer session times may be advised for the initial booking or when a couple or family session is booked. 

    The required timeframe and cost for your session will be advised at the time of booking.

  • Psychologists in Australia are bound to confidentiality through the ethical guidelines outlined in the APS Code of Ethics. This means they are committed to protecting your privacy and not disclosing what is discussed during your sessions. 

    However, there are some limits to confidentiality and situations in which your psychologist may need to breach this such as if there are concerns about your immediate safety or the safety of others or where a crime has been committed. 

  • No, at Port Phillip Psychology, we have worked to eliminate common barriers to accessing professional mental health support including travel and scheduling issues. As such, we offer sessions over the phone and via Telehealth with a mixture of session times to suit your needs.